Monday, February 2, 2009

Reagan's Birthday Party

Here is the first of many fun events the PHC College Republicans will be hosting this semester.  All PHC students are invited, and will probably end up coming out of necessity. 

You’re Invited!

     To Ronald Reagan’s Birthday Party

            He may be dead, but we have not forgotten him. (You shouldn’t either!)

Come celebrate with PHC’s College Republicans in the Dining Hall at 5:00 on Friday, Feb. 6. There will be birthday cake, ice cream, jelly beans (his personal favorite), and a showing of In the Face of Evil—a bold portrayal of his presidency and his contribution to the fall of Communism.

            No RSVP necessary—just show up for dinner ;) and be prepared for a great event!

Conservatively Yours,

The College Republicans of Patrick Henry College


p.s. First 50 attendees will receive free Ronald Reagan 2009 calendars and posters!

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